First off, welcome to Musings on Life and Medicine!

I’ll be sharing medical pearls, thoughts on living a fulfilled life as a clinician, and various other reflections to try and help improve your personal and professional life (to the best of my abilities).

My perspective on medicine is a by-product of three major life events:

  • Practicing medicine as a physician assistant

  • Starting, growing, and managing Medgeeks (medical education) for the last decade of my life

  • Experiencing the health care system through the lens of a patient as we look for answers to help my daughter

Every life event has had its success and “failures”; each was important and necessary to get me to where I am today. 

I put failures in quotes because they only look like failures while you’re going through them. However, after you reflect, learn, and adapt, you realize that your “failures” often lead to some of the most profound realizations in your life. It’s here where all the magic happens.

These realizations have shifted my perspective and have left me with a level of gratitude I can’t put into words. This has allowed me to stop solving the wrong problems and instead focus on what truly matters in my life. 

This slight shift has allowed me to accomplish more of what’s meaningful without feeling the stress that would typically follow. This is what I want for you and why I started this publication; I want this to be a catalyst for change.

After doing this for over a decade, I’ve come to realize the entire healthcare system is broken:

  • Medical education is archaic and creates beliefs and habits that only harm the clinician and patient long term

  • Hospitals and clinics are understaffed

  • Clinicians are overworked

  • Patients lack the education and resources to properly make informed decisions

Even so, this is the system responsible for keeping us alive and healthy. Clinicians practice medicine, but the outcome is someone's health and livelihood. Medicine is a beautiful gift; it should be honored and respected.

This is why I’ll challenge your beliefs, perspectives, and actions. I want you to realize your worth so that you can be a part of the necessary change our children deserve.

I’m forever grateful that I get to do something I love and for the opportunity to leave this world a better place.

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Lastly, please make sure to join our chat and say hello:

- Andrew
Musings of Life and Medicine

Subscribe to Musings on Life and Medicine

I’ll be sharing medical pearls, thoughts on living a fulfilled life as a clinician, and various other reflections to try and help improve your personal and professional life (to the best of my abilities).


Founder of Medgeeks